About me

"Everything  starts with emotion , feelings and then something magical happens spills out on canvas, that surprise even myself"


 I'm Marta, I was born and raised in the land of a thousand lakes, Masuria in Poland. Even as a little girl I was extremely creative, it started with organizing theater and music performances in front of family members, to which I engaged my younger siblings, or a dog haircut to give it a prettier form :) And of course, as befits a real artist, I was always pretty "crazy" . In 2006, I moved to the North of Iceland, where I live until today. I have always felt that I have to create something to really feel alive! . Inspired by the beauty of nature, darkness and wind, I started to paint. When I am in a art trance, I forget about the whole world, it is my way to breathe and express myself in the deepest way.

Welcome to fantasy land of my soul.